June, 2024



New Game! And a rare one too.

Actually had this game for a while, but was waiting for the case and manual to come in.

Completed the Prologue, and and in the thicket of Chapter 1.

It's a fun, if albeit simple, hack'n'slash game. I've got 3 out of the 48 body parts. Met the titular Dororo.


May, 2024



Finally decided to play something, and it was a game I had taken an interest in after years of hearing about it.

Played the first three chapters, actually quite enjoying it for what it is. Gunplay is surprisingly good and WAY more varied than I thought it would be (not at first, but as I started unlocking things, it became much more apparent).

HOWEVER... holy crap, was the button mapping absolutely awful at first. Re-mapped a bunch of things so it didn't feel like my fingers had schizophrenia. Controls MUCH better after that. Visited the Town of Kalm, the Wastelands, and the Town of Edge.


March, 2024


Realized I never really played this experiment of a title, despite it sitting in my library for years, so I decided to finally give it a go. Played through the first planet so far.

January, 2024



Started playing the series today, beginning with this one. Quite an interesting experience, I must say. Gonna stick through to the end for sure, before I start tackling later entries.

Might take a while to get through, which is fine by me.

Did the intro and now have access to Scuttle Town (the hub) and dabbled with the available shops. Even managed to do some night dancing for a nice profit. Explored outside the town a bit, mostly into the forest full of spiders and strange flying gargoyles. Learning how to dash effectively.



After beating Odin Sphere, I decided to finally dive into this game to see what it's all about. I can tell it's going to be a fairly fun ride.

Playing a True Steel Fighter. Lvl. 6. Gained Two NPC companions (can probably get more with the bones I collected so far). Visited the second dungeon and caught a thief.

December, 2023



Continuing my Chronological Castlevania journey with Curse of Darkness. After having played Lament of Innocence a while back, I had an idea on how the gameplay would function, but I was in for a surprise. Everything felt WAY smoother, combat was much more responsive and less stiff, exploration made it feel more like a real 3D SotN, and the Innocent Devil system is just a neat little mechanic. Getting a lot of enjoyment out of it, and I've only felled two bosses so far. Also, It's really fun to learn of Hector and Isaac prior to the anime. Gotta say, while I love their portrayals in the show, they're delightfully fun to witness in the game.




Properly started my adventure in this game, finally.

Country Boy in a quiet life gets furried and bullied by short-stack imp girl.

I'm now back to Ordon Village as Cursewolf!Link, and realize it's no longer an ordinary life here. At least the animals don't wanna kill me.


Started playing. Game seems to really just throw you in the deep end right away, as if to say "hey, you've done this song and dance before, have fun in the evil amusement park" before the actual story kicks in.

Noticing a lot of things that I'll probably talk about when I inevitably review the game.

Also, got past the Shakespeare puzzle, though it was MUCH easier than I was told. I'll probably try to experiment with it on Hard Riddle mode.

October, 2023



Started playing. Made a makeshift team, and am at the first Gym town. Let's see how this journey goes.


September, 2023



Started a brand new file. Had the strong desire to play after watching someone play Fear and Hunger. Had another file on the PS3, but it was severely gimped due to item wasting. Going to try to be more conservative with more skillful play. Found the Pillars and gained Magic Light. Off to find Nupraptor.




Started playing. Really interested in the mystery of the abandoned village. Controls feel tighter. Voice acting improved A LOT. Very invested in the twin girls' plight. Ghosts are reworked and feel less of a troll. Items can be stacked better. Early game is at least a much more solid experience. Kinda miss the 60fps the previous game had, but it's fine.


August, 2023



Decided to FINALLY start this game. Defeated Black Hole. Died once due to greed and not paying attention, but then absolutely rocked him in round 2.



I gave in. Started a brand new file. Mission Control would be 100% if I didn't miss a bonus coin in "Holiday Broadcasting". Gonna try to unlock The Vault. Got the first Secret Token in Mission Control. Cleaned out most of the map in Lake Flaccid... also, ew.

July, 2023



Started playing the game. Great atmosphere, ghosts are effectively creepy, there's some accidental humor considering the very dark implications of what's going on. Made it to the second camera save point.
